Is UBIQ the Moneyball of School Websites?

Using Data to Outperform

If you’ve watched the movie Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, you'll be familiar with the story that centres around a small(er) baseball outfit (The Oakland A’s), with much lower budgets than its competitors (think the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees) who find a way not only to compete but often outperforming their rivals despite their deeper pockets and stronger brand recognition in attracting the best players. How? Through the use of data, alongside building the right data-driven models. This allowed the A's to identify less coveted players that individually might not have won them a World Series, yet collectively gave them the right combination of skills and outputs to compete at the highest level—at a fraction of the cost! Data and their data-driven models became their competitive advantage. Today, every successful professional sports team uses data, data science and data modelling as crucial components of its player recruitment strategy.

We're Hitting it Out of the Ballpark

What UBIQ is doing in the school website space is not dissimilar, and is quickly proving no less impactful. In putting data and data science at the forefront of its creative and content strategies, UBIQ is single handily changing the school website market and giving its clients a unique competitive advantage over their rivals. Like the A’s, success is gauged by the results this approach is yielding and early results demonstrate that a focus on data points such as user journey, behaviour and experimentation is having a profound impact—increasing conversion and engagement metrics by an order of magnitude unheard of in the industry before now. In the same way as Billy Beane’s approach is now the de facto way in which sports teams use data-driven insights to inform their decision-making, there is little doubt that in the years ahead UBIQ's approach will iterate to become the gold standard in how things should be done in building a school website. 

A Results-Driven Approach

CEO and Founder of UBIQ, Dan Clarke commented ‘School websites and the agencies creating them have for too long been complacent with their approach to data, technology and digital marketing best-practice. There are a million and one articles written for school marketers that show ‘10 steps for this, that or the other' but all are very predictable and none of it is particularly groundbreaking or truly innovative. Storytelling and social media have been the buzzword for school marketers over the last 5 years, leading to a myriad of predictable-looking school websites with a very similar visual and brand narrative and a lack of meaningful depth or customer journey. UBIQ has changed that mindset overnight, bringing data-driven insight to the decision-making of school marketers, originality to how a brand can be communicated and perhaps most importantly, a results-driven online presence that generates a significant uplift in engagement and conversion. The era of agencies that lead schools to think only of how a website looks have been predictably and thankfully shelved in favour of UBIQ's more customer-centric, data orientated and results-driven approach.’

 “Adapt or die.” — Billy Beane

Are You Ready to Get a Competitive Advantage?

If your school is reviewing its website in the next 12-24 months then we recommend you take a look at our digital experience ecosystem AMAISTM, which demonstrates a new way to edit, manage and learn from your online presence. Shifting your school from the more predictably reactive and rigid approach to a more experimental and iterative mindset; to digital marketing without a doubt gives UBIQ's schools a significant competitive advantage over the schools around them. 


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